
Rock Bottom, but with Coping Skills

I have had multiple people tell me that I should start journaling. I laugh and say that the idea sounds uncomfortable - I don't dare admit that I used to pour my heart out on Xanga, LiveJournal, and Tumblr for literal years. I always do better when I write for an audience, although I hope this audience stays imaginary. I am paranoid that Blogger is connected to my email and my friends and acquaintances will be able to find this. I have very little recollection of ever "blogging" or expressing myself in words when I was not going through a really tough time. I had my study abroad blog, but all of the accounts with my deepest thoughts were always shame worthy and too dark. I hate to admit that's where I am again. The people who have recommended journaling can see that I'm not okay, and they barely even know me. I have cried at work or because of work every day for the past two weeks, and frequently in the weeks before. Everything is so awful right now. I was so over